Ranbir Kapoor & Alia Bhatt starrer Brahmastra featured multiple cameos by big celebrities including the SRK. the King Khan of Bollywood, wields the Vanar Astra, and lays the foundation for the secret community of Brahmansh in his funny yet fierce scientist avatar. But do you know that his character in Brahmastra has a surprising connection with one of his previous roles in Ashutosh Gowariker’s Swades?
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SRK opens the movie with his special feature as scientist Manav Bhargav, this was also his name in Ashutosh Gowariker’s 2004 film. While SRK in Swades played a NASA employee, in Brahmastra, he plays a celebrated scientist and a member of the Brahmansh secret community who possesses extraordinary power. He is attacked by the Queen of Darkness, Junoon (Mouni Roy) while he is defending one of the pieces of the most powerful weapon Brahmastra. The moment his full name is uttered in the film, it instantly rings a bell in the minds of the viewers.
Apart from Shah Rukh Khan, South superstar Nagarjuna also makes a cameo in the fantasy film as the wielder of the Nandi Astra, a prevalent Indian artist Anish Shetty. Just like SRK, Nagarunja also possesses one of the pieces of Brahmastra. Nagarjuna, with the power of 100 Nandi’s, tries to stop Junoon and sacrifices himself to lend a safe window for Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt to reach the guru and the leader of Brahmansh (Played by Amitabh Bachchan).
The fantasy movie is currently running in theaters. The second part of Brahmastra will introduce the story of Dev, an antagonist, who is also a wielder of Agni Astra like Ranbir Kapoor’s Shiva. However, Dev aspires to proclaim Brahmastra to satisfy his quest of gaining the title of Brahma Dev.
Besides Pathaan, which releases on January 25, 2023, Shah Rukh Khan will also be seen in Jawan, which releases on June 2, 2023, and Dunki, which will arrive in theatres on December 22, 2023.