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Ethics Policy

Empire Weekly is dedicated to journalism that is responsible, honest, objective, and fair in its pursuit of facts. We pledge to create content that reflects and promotes the openness of public discourse outside of the newsroom while also setting a standard for quality and integrity. We believe it is our duty to support the online publishing ecosystem and best journalism practices.

Ethical Principles followed by Empire Weekly

  • Credit is mentioned wherever it is needed or applicable. 
  • Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable and prohibited. 
  • Maintain a clear distinction between business interests and editorial decisions. Business interests should never override editorial decisions. 
  • If there is insufficient information, we will wait before sharing and refrain from speculating. 
  • Unless the news (press releases) comes from official sources or their PR affiliates, we always give credit to the original source.
  • Any information taken from other published or broadcast sources should be credited and linked within the body of the story, or, where appropriate, on related visual journalism such as photos, video, or graphical elements.
  • Empire Weekly does not publish personal attacks on people or companies in the same industries, or on colleagues in our industry.
  • We make every effort to avoid editorial bias in the topics we cover.

For more information about our Ethics policy or update requests, please contact:


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