Empireweekly.com is a privately owned digital media platform under Uzi World Digital. It was founded on October 22, 2021.

Entity Overview

Empireweekly.com is wholly owned and operated by Uzi World Digital, a company with its virtual office based in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. Uzi World Digital is responsible for the strategic direction and day-to-day operations of EmpireWeekly.com.

Revenue Model

Empire Weekly follows a self-sustained, bootstrapped revenue model primarily based on advertising. Revenue is generated through Google Ads, online advertisements, and sponsored content. We are actively pursuing grants to support and enhance our journalistic endeavors, with a focus on sustaining high-quality, independent journalism.

Operational Management

Uzi World Digital oversees all facets of Empireweekly.com’s operations, including but not limited to:

  • Day-to-day business operations, content management, staffing, and financial oversight
  • Strategic decision-making, partnerships, and vendor relations
  • Legal claims, disputes, and liability management arising from the website’s operations
  • Compliance with applicable laws and regulations, including international legal standards
  • Management of contracts, agreements, and third-party obligations
  • Payments to vendors, staff, and service providers
  • Compliance with financial regulations and dispute resolution

All aspects of Empireweekly.com’s operations are managed directly by Uzi World Digital, ensuring full control and seamless operation.