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5 Astonishing Facts about Reading That Will Captivate You 

The intriguing and sometimes bizarre facts about reading and books remind us of the diverse and captivating nature of literature. Whether it’s breaking records, exploring fictional realms, or making a positive impact on society, reading continues to be a source of wonder and fascination.

5 Astonishing Facts About Reading That Will Captivate You

As an avid reader, you’ll be fascinated by the intriguing and curious facts about reading and books we are about to discover. Here are seven of the most interesting ones. Some are simply intriguing, while others are truly mind-blowing and even a bit unsettling.

1. The Smallest Book

The world’s smallest book called “Teeny Ted from Turnip Town” was published in 2007, this miniature book was created by Canadian authors Malcolm Douglas Chaplin and Robert Chaplin. The book measures just 0.07 mm x 0.10 mm and can only be read using an electron microscope. It contains 30 micro-pages with text and illustrations. The book’s tiny size makes it a remarkable feat of craftsmanship and novelty in the world of publishing.

2. Bibliotherapy

Reading can be therapeutic and is often used as a form of treatment for certain mental health conditions and illnesses. Bibliotherapy involves using books and reading materials as a means to support emotional well-being and personal growth. Bibliotherapy has several potential benefits. It can provide a safe and non-threatening environment for individuals to explore sensitive topics or emotions. Reading can promote empathy and self-reflection. It can also offer a sense of validation, connection, and comfort when individuals find characters or stories that resonate with their own experiences.

3. Books were chained to Shelves in the Past 

In the past, during the Middle Ages, a common practice to prevent book theft was to chain books to the shelves they were placed on. This method ensured that books could not be easily taken or stolen from shops or libraries. To read a book, individuals had to spend time in the room where the book was secured, as they were unable to simply pick it up and take it home.

4. The World’s Fastest Reader

In 1990, Howard Berg was recognized by “The Guinness World Record Book” for his remarkable ability to read over 25,000 words per minute. However, it is important to note that such a reading speed is considered highly exceptional and far beyond the average. Typically, for learning purposes, a normal reading rate is around 100-200 words per minute, while for comprehension, it is around 200-400 wpm. Speed readers may reach rates of up to 700 wpm.

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5 Astonishing Facts About Reading That Will Captivate You

It is true that some exceptionally gifted individuals can read much faster than the average person. For instance, Napoleon Bonaparte reportedly read at a rate of 2,000 words per minute, and the French novelist Honoré de Balzac was known to read a small novel in approximately 30 minutes. These examples demonstrate how some geniuses possess the ability to process and consume written content at an astonishing pace

5. Bibliosmia

Some people experience a phenomenon called “bibliosmia,” which is the enjoyment of smelling books. The aroma of books can be comforting and soothing for avid readers. For those who experience bibliosmia, the smell of books can elicit positive emotions, trigger memories associated with reading, and create a sense of relaxation or comfort. It can contribute to the overall sensory pleasure of reading and enhance the reading experience for book enthusiasts.

These intriguing and sometimes bizarre facts about reading and books remind us of the diverse and captivating nature of literature. Whether it’s breaking records, exploring fictional realms, or making a positive impact on society, reading continues to be a source of wonder and fascination.

Written By

Sensitive and insightful, Aishwari Pahwa is a passionate individual whose adulation for writing runs deep. She has an immense love for quiet environments and a desire for a rich inner life. With every word she pens, she aspires to touch hearts, provoke thought, and inspire positive change. Through her writing, she hopes to contribute to a world filled with empathy, growth, and deeper insights into the beauty and complexity of being human. Aishwari discovered the power of writing soon and shortly thereafter, it became her sanctuary - a space where she could make sense of her emotions, gain clarity, and find solace. Realizing the potential of her words to impact others, she felt her calling to share her insights and observations with the world.

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