Television actor, Deepesh Bhan, who was seen in popular TV shows like FIR and Bhabiji Ghar Par Hain, died on Saturday morning. The exact cause of death is still unknown, but according to his co-actor Aasif Sheikh, he died of a brain hemorrhage.
As per a report by Times Of India, the actor collapsed while playing cricket and was immediately taken to the doctor. He stopped by to play cricket during his shoot on the set, but maybe due to overexertion his ears and nose started bleeding before he collapsed.
The above-mentioned news was provided by Binaiffer Kohli, the producer of Bhabiji Ghar Par Hain.
Deepesh Bhan’s Career
Deepesh Bhan was best known for his role as Malkhan in the sitcom Bhabiji Ghar Par Hain, but he also played some supporting roles in shows like FIR, Taarak Mehta Ka Olta Chashmah, and May I Come In Madam? He was a part of the industry for almost 16 years but got his recognition in the show Bhabiji Ghar Par Hain. He was part of the team for 7 years.
He used to be quite active on his social media by posting some fun Instagram Reels.
Celebrities Sharing Their Condolences
The television industry is in deep shock after the news of its co-actor’s demise.
Kavita Kaushik took to Twitter by expressing grief at the death of her co-actor. The two were seen together in the show FIR.
Charrul Malik also posted on her Instagram page remembering the co-actor. She reminisced about their first meeting.
Soumya Tandon also shared a photo on her Instagram mourning the death of her co-actor. She played the original Anguri Bhabhi in Bhabiji Ghar Par Hain.
Vaibhav Mathur, who was also seen in the show Bhabiji Ghar Par Hain, plays the role of Teeka. He was very close with the actor and was often seen together on screen. In a recent interview with ETimes, he walked down memory lane as he talked about their acting journey together from working in FIR to playing characters in Bhabiji Ghar Par Hain. Together they have been a part of the TV series for seven years.
Aasif Sheikh also shared his grief in another interview with ETimes. He talked about Bhan as a person and how he used to work out at the gym for more than three hours. He also added that Bhan used to skip meals at night. He revealed in the interview that the actor died of a brain hemorrhage.