Shahrukh Khan completes 30 years in the film industry and keeping the ‘adaa’ still alive the actor still marks a magical presence in the hearts of the audience. The actor released his new look from his upcoming film Pathaan as he completed his 3 decades in the Hindi film fraternity and carrying it forward a live session was being conducted where King Khan himself took an interactive live chat with the fans and audience.
With the announcement of Pathaan, the fans are all excited for the film since it’s a comeback for the actor after Zero (2018). The film is all set to hit the big screens on January 25, 2023. For the first time ever the actor went live on his Instagram and had a fun 33 minutes chat talking about his journey, upcoming films, favorite directors, the challenges he faces while shooting for two films together, and many more.
He started the chat by sharing his experience about his first day of the shoot when he first came to Mumbai he thought he had to work as much as possible and when he was shooting his first serial “Fauji” he said he drove a three-wheeler and two ladies who looked very glum looked at him and shouted his character name (Abhi) and that was the moment when he realized that this is the reason he was going to act so that he can bring a smile on people’s face.
When asked by a fan what are the scenes where he struggles he said, “I am very shy, and there are a lot of scenes I can’t do so I request the directors and writers please don’t do this for me because I feel very awkward doing it”. “One of the things which is most difficult for me to do as an actor is to laugh on screen so I try to avoid scenes where I have to laugh – which sounds very unreal. There are some scenes where you have to laugh- I remember in Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, there’s a basketball scene with Kajol (and) I just couldn’t laugh. Karan Johar (director) had to make the small kid who says tussi jaa rahay ho make some funny scenes so that I could laugh in the scene. Even then I could not do it as well as I wish I had. Laughing is difficult for me”.
Talking about his upcoming film Pathaan he said that the process of filmmaking is more important than the film itself for him. This kind of cool action film is the one he always wanted to do for 30 years, so he really enjoyed filming it. Also talking about the pairing in the film opposite Deepika Padukone who reunites with the actor Happy New Year (2014). The duo has worked in many other films and has made a place in the hearts of the audience.
Coming back to his third decade anniversary SRK said that when he made his film debut in 1992 with Raj Kanwar’s Deewana opposite Divya Bharti and Rishi Kapoor in lead roles he was a young boy from Delhi who later ruled the hearts of millions out there and came to be known as the King Khan of Bollywood.
It is a very well-known fact that Khan is every woman’s dream man and even after 30 years here he is still the same with his charm. After giving some really big romantic hits such as Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge, Dil Toh Pagal hai, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, Kal Ho Na Ho, and many more the actor is still ruling over the hearts of millions of people, especially women.
The actor also spoke about his next project Jawan which is set to release in theatres on June 2, 2023, directed by a Tamil film director Atlee. The first look of the film shows SRK bandaged on his face. The audience is really thrilled to see the comeback of ‘King Khan’ on big screens and that too with two films lined up. On his 30th Anniversary, the actor said that films inspire him and he will continue to do films as it makes him very happy.