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Meet The Entrepreneur Who Is Showing Business Owners How To Seize The Moment, Reset and Create The Mindset For Business

Meet The Entrepreneur Who Is Showing Business Owners How To Seize The Moment, Reset and Create The Mindset For Business

I’d always been interested in the mind and embarked on years of training in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) to be at the top of the ladder. I’m Vivienne Joy, a Business and Mindset Reset Expert and founder of She Enjoys.

Can you explain your journey from a teenage entrepreneur to a 6-figure business?

Like many of my business idols, I started work very young. I wanted to ‘not be like my parents, who had nothing when they died. Aged 14, I had my first job and learned how the business worked from the bottom up.

At 21, I started running them for other people, experiencing the REALITY of success and failure. In 1996 I worked on the agency side and learned how to make marketing and sales strategies work ready for 2002 when I became part of the revolution with a product-based business. In 2007, I sold my first 6 figure business and wondered, ‘What next?’ 

How did NLP change your life and the focus of your business?

I found my passion and purpose in NLP to help business founders get out of their way, change their mindsets and teach business skills. It is joyful to see their breakthrough. NLP is a selection of powerful tools and skills to change your pre-conditioned beliefs, feelings, and behaviors, and reset your mindset to enhance personal performance, relationships, and business – your whole life can and will change! I spend every day coaching, training, and mentoring businesswomen, watching them have lightbulb moments as they realize what they are truly capable of.

Meet The Entrepreneur Who Is Showing Business Owners How To Seize The Moment, Reset and Create The Mindset For Business
Vivienne Joy at Bootcamp

I now have a fully immersive She-Coaches programme that certifies women as deep-structure coaching professionals and helps them build their dream businesses. Typically the more experienced the client in business, the more of my brain they need and the less of my time. Initially, start-ups need support to create the CORE 4 foundations: mindset, marketing, strategy, and sales.

When is the best time to get unstuck and change your life?

I remember being of the money mindset that I emotionally and physically couldn’t afford the help I needed. So, my products, tools, and services start from free to the high ticket. Before working with a new client, I check that they genuinely want to change. Otherwise, they need to do my free training until they are! We work one-to-one, in person, online, or weekly group programmes to step by step help them learn THEIR way!

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What are your foundations to bring passion to business owners?

When we get stuck in our old, outdated beliefs and behaviours, it is hard to see a different or better way – even if we are miserable! A good Coach will ask challenging questions to help you learn and change yourself from the inside. Many clients think they need to know how to get and keep clients to pay for their life.

They soon realize that skills are only good with the confident, clear mindset to use them powerfully. This transformation is what I do. Some like to go hard and fast with tangible results and are private (1:1).

Some want to go at a ‘learn and implement’ pace and need support, encouragement, and ideas (Group). Some like to do it themselves (Courses). The She-Enjoys Life Foundation (SELF) was created as ‘match funded’ ongoing coaching, training, mentoring, and support for women with the passion, time and ideas to start a not-for-profit. We help with the business & mindset to bring it to life!

What creates the impact of the She-Enjoys Experience?

The She-Enjoys experience provides affordable, inspirational support, deep-structure mindset coaching, business mentoring, and sales and marketing skills training. Hardcore personal development with prodding and praise in a high-energy, safe space where women collaborate, network, and improve their life and business.

How do you help women who want to earn more to thrive and do more

I’m known as the connector, facilitator, and host, bringing in influential experts to help you learn, grow, connect and thrive with like-minded women. She-Enjoys! Thousands of women at every stage of their business journey have worked with me to RESET their MINDSET and LEARN to EARN authentically and consistently to make the IMPACT and INCOME they crave… Whatever is keeping you stuck will be sorted. In 2018, my monthly in-person events grew into She-Enjoys Success Summits with Global expert speakers.

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Meet The Entrepreneur Who Is Showing Business Owners How To Seize The Moment, Reset and Create The Mindset For Business

In 2019, I became an award-winning, self-published Author with my first book ‘The Mindset For Business.’ Also launched the affordable She-Enjoys Business Building Academy and Mastermind. In 2020, whilst the world was in chaos, I found She-Escapes UK Retreats in synergy with one of my original Thrive Tribe members, Susan Royle. 

How will you help business owners change the world?

Decision points and actions are needed at every stage of building a business or a charity. Scary and unknown things create vulnerability and risk but are essential to growth. Wherever you are in your journey, starting up, scaling, or a bit stuck, you need to find balance, strong but safe support, expert guidance, new business skills, and the mindset for success.

That is where I can help. She-Enjoys an inclusive community of talented, determined women based on trust, collaboration, and support. My life today is a very different picture than that of the only child of compulsive gambling parents. I live with my wife (Emma Dawn) and our fur babies in our dream house and training space in Nottinghamshire.

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Written By

Ujwal Sharma is an award-winning entrepreneur, investor, and digital marketer. As a Digital Marketing Specialist, he has assisted several Indian and foreign firms in growing their online presence. He is the Founder and CEO of Uzi World Digital, one of India's fastest-growing Digital Marketing Solutions firms, and Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Empire Weekly.

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