Directed by Bilal Lashari, this is a story of a brave warrior named Maula Jatt who is looking for revenge for his family’s death. The Legend of Maula Jatt has been in the works since 2013 and was mostly delayed by a copyright issue and then COVID-19 Pandemic but finally released on 13th October 2022.
This movie is mostly an enhancement of the old film by the name Maula Jatt but it still has that traditional Indian feel to it of mostly rural India.
With its use of the Punjabi agricultural tool for the weapon ‘Gandasa’ which is an axe but has a long wooden handle, a very traditional choice. This is the first movie of Fawad Khan where he has a full-length role after appearing in Bollywood’s Kapoor and sons.
This movie is being called the most expensive Pakistani movie ever after director Bilal Lashari’s 2013 action-packed movie named ‘Waar’.
Cast: Fawad Khan, Mahira Khan, Hamza Ali Abbasi, Humaima Malik, Gohar Rasheed, Faris Shafi
The plot of The Legend of Maula Jatt Movie
Starting with a brief scene where the Natt clan comes up and kills the whole Jatt family leaving a little boy named Maula to be alive who of course sees everything and then gets adopted by a very kind woman who has her son as well and raises both of them together.
Fast forward to 25 years later where Maula is shown as a tough guy loved by all the villagers around him. He grows up to be a wrestler with quite bulky muscles I might add, Maula and his brother (the son of the woman who adopted Maula) have become quite close.
There is also a girl Mukkho (Mahira Khan) who likes Maula and tries and fails to gain his attention as he faces the nightmares of his parent’s stabbing.
On the other hand, the Natt family with three dangerous and quite villainous children are shown. Noori the older brother of the clan voluntarily ties himself up in what we assume is a basement and Maakha (Rasheed) the psychopath.
However, the most interesting villain might be the daughter of the clan Daaro (malik) who has a very wicked vibe like she might kill you if you get in her way.
The rest of the movie is mostly fighting over who gets the throne, Noori and Maula are the two eligible contenders of course except Maula who is also trying to get revenge for his family’s death.
The Legend of Maula Jatt Movie Review
The movie has a more good-evil fight or like the hero-villain which is certainly what Bollywood did in the old times or even what most old Tollywood movies are about. Essentially a similar concept of hero and villain, even rejecting the girl who likes the lead.
That is not to say the movie has any flaws, it has certainly impressed fans with its choreographed sets, spectacular cast, good editing, and great direction.
The movie as old-fashioned as it is shows the power struggle between two families in rural India and it stays true to the story.
The one thing that is pretty cool about the movie is the character Daaro supposedly saved by his brother Noori when her father was trying to kill her as a child. It’s not very common for brothers in that era to stand up for their siblings especially against their very strict father let alone make a very feminist move like saving her sister.
The dialogue in the movie is also very old-style Tollywood, a tad dramatic but mostly liked by fans. Even Fawad did an impressive job of filling in for such a character especially since there are rumours that he may have gotten hurt while shooting fighting scenes and bulking up for the role.
Source: Indian Express, and Deadline