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Environment and Nature

2050 Could be the start of the destructive apocalypse if we don’t address climate change

According to a recent United Nations Climate Change research, the planet will face the greatest apocalypse ever as a result of human inaction on climate change.

2050 Could Be The Start Of The Destructive Apocalypse If We Don't Address Climate Change
Image via Unsplash

Let’s imagine ourselves 29 years from now, in the year 2050, the middle of the century, where the world would be completely different from what we have imagined. Sitting inside our apartment on the 20th floor, at the central tower of a beautiful city, having a view of the ocean, the empty roads due to shortage of fossil fuels, can’t go and stand in the verandah for fresh air, can’t even open the window without checking the air pollution level of the city. Viewing the sunset, with a cup of tea, thinking of what we could have done to save our planet, to save ourselves.

The water you drink will be salty with a pungent smell, due to the overuse of chemicals to purify it, even after staying at a beautiful multi-story apartment, there will be electricity outrages, due to frequent droughts affecting the water reservoirs. The temperature will be around 140 degrees Fahrenheit during summers, and the prices of fruits and vegetables will be high because of floods, earthquakes, droughts, and soil erosion affecting the quality of soil and destroying most of the cultivations.

All of the above scenarios are unimaginable. But the reality is that the worst of climate change is yet to hit the world.

According to the recent study by United Nations Climate Change, the planet will be hit by the worst apocalypse due to our negligence on climate change.  

The study further says that if the temperature keeps rising, only man-made objects will be left on the earth eradicating the living creatures from the planet.

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The study has shaken many scientists and environmentalists, revealing the facts of what we might lose if the temperature keeps rising. The data include –
  • Coral reef disappearance- the study reveals that 46% of the coral reefs are expected to disappear if the temperature rises by 2.8 degrees Celsius, due to the excessive bleaching events resulting in the rise of global temperature. The coral reefs play an important role in maintaining the underwater ecosystem.
  • The disappearance of crocodilian species- 95% of the crocodilian species are to be disappeared if the temperature rises by 4.7 degrees Celsius. The species relies on the ephemeral water resource.
  • Artificial waste decomposition- the study has also said that 0% of the plastics and tires will be disappeared if we keep affecting the climate in the same way.
2050 Could Be The Start Of The Destructive Apocalypse If We Don't Address Climate Change
Photo by Li-An Lim

The debate among the experts has already begun that whether the condition would be that dire.

In the statement from the professor of soil and global change, Scotland, Mr. Smith has mentioned that climatic change and air pollution go hand in hand. If the world keeps ignoring the measures that need to be taken by us to safeguard the climate, the worst scenarios could be the outcome.

Many ideas such as decarbonizing the economy to nearly zero by the mid-century, reducing the greenhouse gas emission by half in every decade could maintain our planet as a good place to survive.

Many measures have already been taken by different countries which include the scientists improving technologies so that the countries can rely on renewable energy than fossil fuels, artificial intelligence has been developed to make the appliances more energy efficient.

Rivett, having an organization in partnership with Amazon’s climate change pledge, has stated that the world’s future is unpredictable and it depends on what we choose to do, how we want to see our planet.

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Written By

Prity Roy is an Indian journalist and editor who has worked with various media companies and has published her anthologies as a co-author. She is currently pursuing BBA and aspires to become a successful woman entrepreneur. Prity started her journey as an editor in Classicpreneur News and Media, a subsidiary company of Uzi World Digital. She currently holds the position of COO at Uzi World Digital and CEO at

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  2. Aswin Sathi

    December 16, 2022 at 6:26 pm

    amazing work and such a great grammar.

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