Yash Raj Films’ Pathaan, starring India’s biggest movie stars Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, and John Abraham has managed to create new records at the box office every day since its release on January 25, 2023. The film continues its historic run at the domestic and overseas box office. What’s more, in just 10 days of hitting theatres, Pathan has become the ALL-TIME HIGHEST GROSSING HINDI FILM WORLDWIDE!
YRF revealed to EW in a statement, “Pathaan, on its 10th day (second Friday), registered a huge 14 crore nett in India (Hindi – 13.50 crore, All Dubbed versions – 0.50 crore). In 10 days, Pathaan has recorded $33.82 million in the overseas territories alone, while nett collection in India stands at 378.15 crores (Hindi – 364.50 crore, Dubbed – 13.65 crores)! The total worldwide gross is an incredible 729 crore (India gross: 453 crores, overseas: 276).”
Pathaan is also the highest-grossing film of the YRF Spy Universe! The renowned film studio is ecstatic and can’t stop celebrating the movie’s success. As of now, all the films of the YRF Spy Universe namely Ek Tha Tiger, Tiger Zinda Hai, War, and Pathaan are blockbusters.
Although getting mixed reviews, everyone has agreed that Pathaan is an entertaining film. It has become a must-watch theatrical entertainer, with families thronging to watch it and SRK fans celebrating it by dancing in the theatres to the songs Besharam Rang and Jhoome Jo Pathaan.
Pathaan is so successful that a new installment is already being planned. Yes! The film’s director Sidharth Anand confirmed about the making of Pathaan 2 during the media interaction at the Pathaan 500 Crore Celebration Event held in Mumbai, where EW was present. Goes without saying that Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone will be a part of it, but we are not sure if John Abraham will be in it. Watch this space to know more about Pathaan 2!