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How to Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Maintaining healthy eyes is important for overall well-being and quality of life. Here are a few simple tips for keeping your eyes in top condition.

How to Keep Your Eyes Healthy
Photo by Amanda Dalbjörn on Unsplash

Taking care of your eyes is essential to keeping them healthy and strong. Keep in mind that it’s important to protect your vision from the harmful effects of too much sun, computer usage, and environmental factors. Here are some tips on how you can take better care of your eyes. 

Why should you think about eye care? 

First and foremost, a regular eye exam is necessary for every person to check for any underlying issues or conditions with the eyes that may have gone unnoticed. Yearly exams are important since they help check changes in vision as well as any diseases or conditions that could be developing in the eye itself. 

Ways to protect your eyes 

It’s important to wear sunglasses when outside since UV rays can harm the eyes and cause damage over time. Make sure that you select good quality lenses with UV protection incorporated into them!

Hydrating yourself with water is necessary for overall well-being. If you are well hydrated then your eyes won’t get irritated and dry.

 Next, be sure to get an adequate amount of sleep each night since lack of sleep can affect vision as well as create strain on the eyes resulting in fatigue and headaches. 

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Additionally, if regularly using devices such as computers or smartphones make sure there are breaks taken in between so the amount of blue light emitting from these screens does not affect vision negatively over time.

Rule 20 – 20 – 20 

Every 20 mins move away from your computer. Fix a gaze on an object that is 20 feet away from you. 

Blinking 20 times successively helps you prevent dryness.

Get up and move around for the next 20 minutes. It increases blood flow to the body and prevents sedentary posture.

Lastly, eat foods rich in Vitamins A, C & E; dark leafy greens such as kale & spinach contain both nutrients which help promote healthy eye function overall! Other essential nutrients include omega- 3, lycopene, and lutein. 

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What to avoid for eye protection 

How to Keep Your Eyes Healthy
Photo by Melanie Kreutz on Unsplash

Rubbing your eyes must not be done to prevent the infection and inflammation from occurring. Our hands being exposed to lots of dirt and dust are prone to contamination which serve a purpose for further infections. It’s advised to wash hand or practice hand hygienic habits. 

Sunlight and UV rays exposure leads to age related macular degeneration also can lead to photo keratitis. So put on those sunglasses not only  makes you look fabulous but protects your eye from greater risk of being damaged. 

Smoking causes conditions such as cataract and damages the optic nerve that has adverse effects for a longer period of time.

Eye makeup like mascara and eyeliner makes the eye irritable which further causes allergies. Cleaning the eyes before going to bed to avoid the bacterial build up.

Ensuring using proper eye safety gears or equipment in the appropriate environment. 

For instance in swimming pools or in any laboratory places. 

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Taking good care of our eyes should be a priority since they can often go unnoticed regardless of conditions present within them until it’s too late. These simple steps will help ensure we maintain our precious sight over time.

Written By

Spoorthi Nagur is an Intern at Empire Weekly. She was brought up in Bangalore, Karnataka. She is currently pursuing her bachelor's degree in Medicine and Surgery. Penning down her thoughts to express herself. She likes writing poetry and crafting content. Her recreational activity includes photography, sports, and philosophical learning. She is keen to be versatile who aspires to keep learning consistently.

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